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Our solution to clean India's polluted water bodies

At Ocean Cleanerz, we're committed to restoring and protecting India's aquatic ecosystems. FLIPPER is our innovative answer to the pressing challenge of water pollution, offering a scalable and sustainable solution for cleaner waterways across the nation.

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FLIPPER: The Innovation

FLIPPER is our revolutionary AI-enabled electric vehicle designed to clean India's polluted water bodies. This patented technology represents a significant leap forward in combating water pollution, offering an efficient and sustainable solution for cleaner waterways across the nation.

Efficient Waste Collection

FLIPPER can collect up to 500 kg of floating plastic waste in a single deployment. Its innovative design allows for large-scale cleanup operations, tackling even heavily polluted water bodies with ease and efficiency.

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AI- Powered Environmental Data Collection

Using advanced computer vision and AI algorithms, FLIPPER identifies and categorizes different types of waste and logs the coordinates, FLIPPER gathers crucial environmental data including water quality parameters, pH levels, and chemical compositions. This feature provides invaluable insights for researchers, policymakers, and conservationists.

Highly Scalable Solution

FLIPPER is designed with scalability in mind, making it an ideal solution for water bodies of all sizes across India. Whether it's a local municipality or a state-wide initiative, FLIPPER's scalable nature makes it adaptable to the scope and scale of any water cleanup project.

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